13 March 2014

juice zombie!

Day 3...and I am still waiting for the anticipated burst of energy.  Usual start to the day with hot water lemon and ginger.  The thought of getting out of bed, showering, getting dressed and in to my car is exhausting.  Don't even get me started on the 5min walk, from my car to the station.  I am persevering, despite getting some not so welcome news last night, that made me want to cry, eat and drink wine.  I bypassed all three, and carried on with my final juice of the day.  Tbh I really wasn't in the mood for it, not that i was in the mood for anything.  I am probably not the best advert for a juice cleanse right now. Yesterday I don't think i even spoke, and mustering the energy to even smile was out of the question.

So this is me on day three, and i'll be honest with myself.....where is my glow!  I am investing a lot into this juicing: time, willpower and the last dredges of energy with the hopes of renewed, revitilised energy .  I am still patiently waiting!

 Two juices down and I am nearly halfway through my day!  In all fairness it is flushing me out in other areas (sorry tmi), so for now that's one positive! Bring on the 4 more juices of the day!!

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