11 March 2013

Oil slicked...

With an abundance of oils on the market right now.  Be it for face, body or cooking that delish dish.  I thought it only right to throw a few oils in to the mix, that will turn those lank locks in to luscious locks.  Having just gone through a bit of a hair transformation myself.  I was on a quest to quench my poor thirsty stressed barnett....so here's what I came up with, a variety of oils easily found in your kitchen along with some hair happy products hitting the shops.

Olive oil commonly found in salad dressing, however this essential oil holds all sorts of added benefits.  Full of  mono-saturated fatty acids, vitamin E and anti-oxidants.   It is therefore great for a DIY hot oil treatment, to get your hair back in tip top condition.
Not only great in your stir fry, this supermarket gem acts as a natural sunscreen against UV rays.  It also nourishes the scalp and hair shaft, whilst its anti-bacterial properties heal and prevent infection.
Move over Argan, Coconut oil the up and coming oil.  Rich in nutrients and good fats, so it’s an effective health food probably why this magic ingredient features in most hair product.  Not only good for your hair, it is great for the skin and even in cooking as it benefits your metabolism, so get cooking ladies.
 Kiehl's Deeply restorative smoothing Hair oil Concentrate, mixes Argan and sesame oil to create a deep nourishing treatment to sooth stressed hair.
Dr Hauschka's Neem hair oil, uses a mix of energising Rosemary, Neem oil and Chamomile extracts to calm the hair and scalp of any irritation to bring your hair back to life. 
If you have tried Shu uemura's face oils, which I am a huge fan of.  Then try out their Essence Absolue a nourishing protective hair oil.  Infused with Camellia to protect against dryness, frizz and UV damage.
looking for more of a budgeted purchase? Lee Stafford Argan Oil is a light weight oil treatment for all hair types, the Moroccan oil will enrich and nurture natural shine for the smoothest, silkiest, healthiest hair yet.

Whether you decide to raid the kitchen or purchase one of the many super products on the market.  Get slicked up with oil- heat it up and slap it on.  I have pretty much been sleeping with a head of oil most nights, to promote my inner barnett beauty.  I suggest trying it for yourself!


7 March 2013

Superdry Show 2013

I recently was lucky enough to assist on Superdry's in-house show.  Held at their flag ship store, off Regent Street.   Showcasing their new clothing collection, with a few extra exciting additions.  Opening the show was a pretty impressive young body popper....Who knew the body could bend and shake that way.  And of course lets not forget those other exciting additions, Superdry has taken the leap into the world of beauty, by introducing their new line of Make-up.

 With a great team of MUA's, armed with an array of make-up, including Superdry's very own new additions.  We were also joined by a great team of hair stylists working in Superdry's very own in-house salon.

The look featured loosely curled bed head chic, with clean, fresh bases and smudgy morning-after eye make-up, to give that edgy look, but not distracting from the great collection yet to be seen.

Superdry's new products come in an a great variety of colours,from neutrals to those bright pop out colours.  With some pretty alternative packaging, which reflects their style completely.  The funky packaged products, will not only be a handy addition to your make-up bag, but you will also have plenty of fun playing around with all they have to offer.  I particularly was a fan of their eye palettes (try using wet or dry) and lipsticks, which easily can double up as a creme blush.

Once the show was successfully over, it was down tools to relax and enjoy a cocktail or two, at the much appreciated free bar, thanks to Superdry.  Following on was an after party at The Box.  Unfortunately, this did not bode well with inconveniently falling in with my month of no drinking, so it was an elderflower mocktail and an early night for me.

Have a peak for yourself, at what Superdry has up its sleeve.
