13 November 2012

Gingernut biscuit anyone?

Me being me, has got bored of my usual bright rouge hair...so I fancied something new, and of course brighter.  So instead of pillar box red I opted for ginger...Don't ask!
However this was going to be more of a challenge then a simple re-dye, the old faithful red was not going to be ousted quite so easily, and me having no patience what so ever....I wanted it all done yesterday.
So here is a lovely before pic (yep phone, mirror and all, for the record I hate these kind of pics) Just so you can see all aspects of the process I put my poor hair through.

I did my research and really did not want to be going down the route of bleaching, so I managed to find a D.I.Y hair stripping kit, which claims to be kinder to the hair. (if your hair is in a sorry state condition wise to begin with, don't do it)
  I had really mixed reviews with Colour B4, horror stories galore, but then positive stories to tip the balance.  My mind was pretty set, regardless of being told my hair would go ginger. lets face it, that was the intended colour I was going for.  What really did I have to lose...plus that kills two birds with one stone.  Now let me tell you ladies, your hair most definitely does not go back to the desired colour your were once blessed with, well mine didn't.   It will go back to some kind of blank canvas yes, but definitely not one of choice, so be prepared.  This is pretty easy to use, so follow it step by step and you will have to devote a whole evening to do this, the formula does smell pretty bad and once its all over, well its over.
bearing in mind naturally I am auburn/brown.  The above was me after the B4 Colour procedure, more of a straw colour.  At this point I would say this is enough for one day and decided to give my hair a bit of timeout.  The sulphur smell did remain, so I'd say wash it the next day.  What followed was a bit bizarre, I found my hair went from blonde, to then what I can only describe as that similar to a sunset,  ginger at the tips, blonde at the roots. Having started this on the Thursday and not re-dying, by Saturday my hair had pretty much turned flame ginger....which was perfect(well for me), only my parting was blonde.

Much as I loved my new colour, the sulphur smell was still lingering, and my parting was blonde.  On Sunday I thought it was best I re-dye it, just to get rid of the smell, restore shine and all over colour, so out came the Feria.

Voila, finaly after all the palava, I was a fiery Ginger nut....Not a massive change, however I felt like I had gone through a fair few colour changes just to achieve it.
My advice is, if you have the patience and balls, go for it.  Otherwise leave it to the pros


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