As I had always said, I knew come Friday eve I would be eating again! I lasted till about 2pm on Friday with just juice, before the actual process of downing anymore juice was impossible. I'd rather have nothing than anymore juice. So i settled for half an egg mayo sandwich. What!! I waited 40mins, besides it was free. No one turns down free food! Friday night was done in style, especially when I arrived for dinner, having cycled there might I add, only to find my bezzie had whipped me up an early biffday cake...well it would be rude not to right! Admittedly I didn't drink as much and found, despite my eyes wanting to eat everything put in front of stomach was not on the same page. (this I believe is a good thing)
I continued to incorporate a juice in to my day over the weekend and replacing one of my meals with it. So far this week I have juiced every morning. However on days where I have done more in the gym, I will eat well to support that. The selfie of truth is below!
Excuse my shocked appearance, I am most def not a selfie queen! Skin is clearer (Tinted moisturiser and minimal blush only), energy is good, especially as I am waking up before my alarm and sleeping through, my cravings have also definitely been reigned in!
All in all I guess juicing has its pro's and cons as all these fads do. I'd advise giving a cleanse a go. It is not a long term 4 days max, unless you have unbreakable will power!
Hope you have found this insightful, and even if you didn't I most certainly did!